This document outlines the course policies for attendance, assignment submission, and grading. For an overview of the course, checkout Course Syllabus. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

πŸ• Attendance


Lectures are held twice a week from 7:30 PM - 8:20 PM EST in Gates 114. These lectures are made to teach you concepts, give you examples, and help you with the assignments. Because of the short amount of time we have in the class and with you each week, we highly recommend you attend all lectures. Lecture attendance is mandatory and will be graded.

Critique groups

Sections – or as we like to call them, critique groups ****– are once a week. Most critique sections meet Sundays 2:30 - 3:30 pm EST but we have one alternative section Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 pm EST. Attendance at critique groups is required. These groups will be assigned after the first workshop.

Absence policy

You have 2 absences for critique groups. If you need to miss critique group or will be late, let your TA know 24 hours in advance. Being more than 10 minutes late to critique group counts as an absence. Missing critique without informing your TA will result in a 0 on that week's assignment. These absences are meant for legitimate reasons, including religious holidays, physical or mental health, personal issues, etc.

If you miss a critique group, you must go to office hours that week. This is so that we can make sure you're all caught up and have receive feedback from a TA on your latest assignment!

If you miss MORE than 2 critique groups, you will be asked to drop the course. There are only 8 critique group sessions. Intro to Digital Product Design is offered every semester, so we request that you choose to enroll when you will have the time to make every session.

πŸ“Œ Grades & Assignment Submission

Assignments are all weighted equally and your final grade with be the average of all 8 assignments. Grades will posted on CMS.

Submitting your assignment

All assignments are deadlines are posted before the class starts. Follow them accordingly. Each student will have their own document that will build upon previous assignments. All TAs will grade assignments and provide feedback within 3 days after deadline, so please make sure your assignment is submitted on time.

Since we grade and provide feedback on a very quick cycle – so that you know what to fix before the next assignment – we do not accept late submissions after you used up all of your slip days. You only have 4 slip days throughout the semester. After that, we won't give feedback on late submissions and you'll be given a 0. If you have an unavoidable issue with a deadline, please email [email protected].

😒 Plagiarism

Presenting someone else's ideas as your own – either word-for-word or paraphrased – is a serious offense with serious consequences. This includes copying work from someone's portfolio, duplicating someone's Figma file without permission, or using someone's work without proper attribution. If you're found to be plagiarizing work, you will automatically be dropped from this course. This is especially important in design as it happens far too often in the industry, people get called out, and their careers are destroyed πŸ€•

Academic Integrity

All University-standard Academic Integrity guidelines should be followed. This includes proper attribution of any resources found online, including anything that may be open-sourced by AppDev.

Academic Integrity

AI Violations

πŸ’¬ First Offense: Warning

⚠️ Second Offense: Assignment/Design Exercise is a 0

⛔️ Third Offense: Your Grade is an Unsatisfactory

<aside> πŸ’‘ There’s a fine line between iteration, imitation, and copying
